Paul Graham谈万事开头难

Paul Graham在其个人网站最近发布了名为《How to do great work》的文章,给仍然雄心勃勃的年轻人提了一些建议,适合每位对自己仍有期望的朋友反复阅读。下面是本文的第四部分摘录:

Even when you’ve found something exciting to work on, working on it is not always straightforward. There will be times when some new idea makes you leap out of bed in the morning and get straight to work. But there will also be plenty of times when things aren’t like that.

You don’t just put out your sail and get blown forward by inspiration. There are headwinds and currents and hidden shoals. So there’s a technique to working, just as there is to sailing.

For example, while you must work hard, it’s possible to work too hard, and if you do that you’ll find you get diminishing returns: fatigue will make you stupid, and eventually even damage your health. The point at which work yields diminishing returns depends on the type. Some of the hardest types you might only be able to do for four or five hours a day.

Ideally those hours will be contiguous. To the extent you can, try to arrange your life so you have big blocks of time to work in. You’ll shy away from hard tasks if you know you might be interrupted.

It will probably be harder to start working than to keep working. You’ll often have to trick yourself to get over that initial threshold. Don’t worry about this; it’s the nature of work, not a flaw in your character. Work has a sort of activation energy, both per day and per project. And since this threshold is fake in the sense that it’s higher than the energy required to keep going, it’s ok to tell yourself a lie of corresponding magnitude to get over it.

It’s usually a mistake to lie to yourself if you want to do great work, but this is one of the rare cases where it isn’t. When I’m reluctant to start work in the morning, I often trick myself by saying “I’ll just read over what I’ve got so far.” Five minutes later I’ve found something that seems mistaken or incomplete, and I’m off.

Similar techniques work for starting new projects. It’s ok to lie to yourself about how much work a project will entail, for example. Lots of great things began with someone saying “How hard could it be?”

This is one case where the young have an advantage. They’re more optimistic, and even though one of the sources of their optimism is ignorance, in this case ignorance can sometimes beat knowledge.

Try to finish what you start, though, even if it turns out to be more work than you expected. Finishing things is not just an exercise in tidiness or self-discipline. In many projects a lot of the best work happens in what was meant to be the final stage.

Another permissible lie is to exaggerate the importance of what you’re working on, at least in your own mind. If that helps you discover something new, it may turn out not to have been a lie after all.










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又到了年终,各种题材的盘点回顾不可缺少,我也不能免俗。今年虽然无比艰难,但在应用上还是没少花钱,明确记得付过费的就有如下几款: * Flomo,国内人气笔记应用。 * Hazel,知名Mac端自动化应用。 * Scapple,老牌白板工具。 * Todoist,老牌GTD应用。 * 黑神话:悟空,想必无需多言。 似乎还挺节制的😊,回到正题,简单讲一下今年对我来说比较重要的3款应用,不局限于上面提到的。 小红书/微信公众号 第一名要给小红书和微信公众号,两个并列。自从去年开始做号,尽管进度缓慢,但这些媒体平台还是给了我远超现实的正反馈,我收获了几百个关注者,通过零星的产品出售获得了少量变现,让我成就感满满。 通过内容生产,我对未来有了一些新的思路,不再仅仅局限于传统的认真工作,努力生活的思维。 代码和媒体是不需要许可就能使用的杠杆。这两个杠杆是新富阶层背后的杠杆。你可以创建软件和媒体,让它们在你睡觉时为你工作。 ––纳瓦尔 我的内容远谈不上优质,但依然有人喜欢,有人付款,这对我意义很大,给了我被需要的感觉。 感谢每个浏览我内容甚至为之付费的朋友!


之前的记录时间日历版快捷指令受到很多朋友的喜欢,但做得比较简陋,只能在固定的日历中创建日程,也没法在备注中写必要的信息。这就导致了虽然显示为了时间块,但是单调的颜色不方便区分实际的时间使用场景。 这一版做了更新,现在可以: 1. 在不同日历中创建日程 2. 通过快捷指令开始和结束计时,自动记录时长 3. 结束计时是可添加备注内容 本快捷指令售价2.99元,一次性买断,后续免费更新。如有需要可以扫描下面二维码添加我的微信进行购买。


上周和两位前同事稍微聊了聊。两位都是我在铁皮柜公司的同事,境况却大不相同。 铁皮柜公司近年筹备上市,在基层看来,所有工作都围绕着数据展开,很多时候与长期主义的观念并不一致。因此,在公司较久的员工,思路和节奏有时便很难同步,不少同事由此或主动或被动地离开了。今天提到的两位同事和我都是类似情况。 我从铁皮柜公司出来后休息了好久,逐渐觉得可挥霍的时间不多了,开始出来重找工作。年初前同事介绍一家小公司,商业模式评估下来大致能跑通,也没多想就进了。第一位同事,姑且叫他老Y,刚刚从铁皮柜公司出来,四处问机会,没想到最后和我进了一样的公司。 公司刚进去时感觉还不错,不太卷,指标也算合理。但是随着不断了解,小公司的局限性便越发体会到了,没有稳定的战略战术,老板的天花板就是公司的天花板,乡情厚重导致各种不均,加上最重要的资金储备不足,就越来越觉得很多事情比戏更有意思。7月底我又离职了,8月底找到了新的工作。 老Y还在里面呆着,他喜欢在不卷的情况下求稳,稳的意思是希望工作内容和工作环境都尽可能地在自己的舒适区,薪资水平反倒不是第一位的重要。他说:“但凡公司能稳